
How to find icon android studio
How to find icon android studio

how to find icon android studio how to find icon android studio

The icon is comprised of a background and a foreground image, so if one of those layers does not require any shadows, then it can take advantage of vectors.You no longer have to bake in a shadow for the entire shape. The launcher is now responsible for masking the overall drawable and providing any drop shadow for the full shape.With adaptive icons, there are two features that make vectors more relevant: Most icons include some kind of drop-shadow element in them (per the material guidelines) which unfortunately VectorDrawable does not support. The shadow produced by the radial gradient. On this topic, I’d recommend reading Ian Lake’s recent post on implementing an adaptive icon which covers the basics. In particular, many developers do not seem to have taken advantage of VectorDrawable's support for gradients. That means it will be crisp at every density without bloating your APK.

how to find icon android studio

Utilizing vectors is attractive as it allows us to specify the drawable once in a very compact format. Unfortunately you can’t use custom drawable inflation as your icon will be loaded by other apps’ processes, you need to stick to platform drawable types. Specifically pretty capable VectorDrawable support. Actually minSDK is 26īecause adaptive icons are only used on API 26+, you can rely on certain features being available to you. You also need to build your apk with buildToolsVersion 26.0.0 or higher. You can do so using this format: Įach drawable must be 108dp*108dp in size background drawables must be opaque whilst foregrounds can contain transparency. You’ll likely never need to work with the class directly, but to define it in XML and point to it from your manifest. Adaptive icons are a new drawable type, namely AdaptiveIconDrawable.

How to find icon android studio